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Earth Day 2020!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is pollution?
Anything that is harmful or poisonous to the environment
Name one way we reduce the amount of electricity we use?
Turn off lights when not in the room
Name 2 things that threaten animals
How long does it take for the Earth to go all the way around (orbit) the sun?
One year = 365 days.
How long does it take the Earth to spin around, or rotate, one time? (Hint: how many hours are in one day?)
24 hours
Name 3 types of pollution
Water, Noise, Light, Air, etc.
Name 2 types of renewable energy
Solar, Wind, Hydro Electric, Geothermal
Name 3 things that can be recycled
What is the imaginary line that goes around the center of the Earth called?
The equator
Why is Earth called the "Blue Planet"?
Because of all the water
Name at least 5 continents
North and South America, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Europe
The Earth is the ________ planet from the sun? (First, second...)
The 3 R's to helping the plant are: Reduce, Reuse and Re_______
Name 2 things that are being done to protect endangered animals
Laws, habitat recovery, breeding, etc
Why does the earth have 4 seasons?
The tilt of the Earth at 23 degrees on its axis
What is erosion?
When wind, water, ice move and destroy soil and rock.
Earth Day is celebrated in what month?
Why are trees important?
Help us breathe better air
What do we get from the Sun?
Heat and energy
What 4 things make Earth able to support life?
Air, Land, Water and Sun
What does it mean if something is Extinct?
No longer living