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The Silk Road

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bonus: What is the mandate of heaven?
Chinese rulers believed that god gave them the right to rule.
Bonus: Which dynasty invented Chinese writing: The Shang or the Zhou?
The Shang
What animal helped people travel on the silk road?
Name two things traded on The Silk Road.
Any of these: silk, tea, salt, sugar, spices, cotton, ivory, wool, gold, silver, porcelain
Why was The Silk Road important?
It helped create trade between countries.
What is The Silk Road?
A trade route.
Why did the Chinese want to keep the silk-making process a secret?
So they would be the only ones who could sell silk.
Why was silk important to Chinese culture?
Silk was valuable and worn by rich people. Also, the Chinese made a lot of money selling silk.
How was silk thread discovered? (Think about the video we watched)
A silkworm fell into Empress Hsi Ling Shi's cup of tea.
What material is silk made from?
The cocoons from silk worms.
What country was silk invented in?
What is silk?
Silk is a type of cloth. It is a thin, but strong fiber that silkworms produce when they are making their cocoons.