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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are they siblings?
Yes, they are.
Are they teenagers?
No, they aren't
Is the apple red?
Yes, It is.
Are you the teacher?
Yes, I am.
Is the boy in the kitchen?
No, he isn't
I ________ (not) at home
I am not at home
The boxes _________ (not) open
The boxes aren't open
Miss Potter ______ (not) my daughter.
Miss Potter isn't my daughter
They __________ (not) at school
They aren't at school
He _______ (not) cooking hamburgers
He isn't cooking hamburgers
The ducks ________ (not) on the street.
The ducks aren't on the street.
The sofa _____ behind the table
The sofa is behind the table
Iron man ______ strong
Iron man is strong
She ______ wonder woman
She is wonder woman
They ______ brothers
They are brothers
He _____ confused
He is confused
The cows _____ black and white
The cows are black and white
The cat ______ angry
The cat is angry
We ______ at school
We are at school
I ______ a doctor
I am a doctor