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Conversation Stoplight

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friends are telling a story about their birthday. Both Friends have shared.
Yellow Light! There is a pause, it's a good time to share.
Your friends are sitting at the lunch table eating their food. No one is talking.
Green Light! Start a conversation!
You want to tell your friend a joke. They are talking about a video they watched last night.
Red Light. Listen, then wait your turn to share. Connect your joke to the video.
You are telling your friends about your soccer game.
Green light. You are sharing. Remember to share just enough!
You ask your classmate if they like brownies. They start to answer.
RED light! Your turn to listen.
You really want to tell your friends about your new puppy. There is a pause in the conversation.
Yellow light! Take the opportunity to tell your story!
Your classmate says "hey, how is it going?"
Green Light! You have been asked a question.
Your sister is telling you a really funny story.
RED light! Be a good listener. When there is a pause, you can talk.
You ask your friend "What is the best movie you have ever seen?"
Red Light! Wait for them to respond, then you respond back.
Your friend asks "what are you going to do this weekend?"
Green Light! Your turn to answer a question!
Your friend opens their mouth like they are about to say something.
Red Light!