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Rhetoric and Fallacy

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the false dichotomy fallacy?
When two points of view are presented as the only options when there are others.
What is the circular reasoning fallacy?
When the argument is restated rather than proven.
What is the hasty generalization fallacy?
When someone makes a sweeping statement without considering all the facts.
What is the bandwagon fallacy?
Presents the thoughts of a group to persuade someone to think the same way- peer pressure.
What is the ad hominem fallacy?
An attack on a person’s character to disprove their argument.
What is the strawman fallacy?
When someone takes an argument and misrepresents it so it’s easy to attack .
What is the slippery slope fallacy?
A conclusion based on the premise that one small step will lead to a chain of events.
What is the stacking the deck fallacy?
When evidence against a supporting argument is ignored.
What is the red herring fallacy?
A point made that is meant to be misleading or distracting.
What is the post hoc fallacy?
Assuming that an event was caused by a prior event.
What is the non sequitur logical fallacy?
A statement given that doesn't come logically from the previous events.
What is the emotional appeal/scare tactics logical fallacy?
When a speaker uses emotional language, emotions, or emotional images to get the audience to sympathize with them or become scared.
What is pathos?
Appealing to your audience with emotion.
What is logos?
Appealing to your audience with logic.
What is ethos?
Appealing to your audience by convincing them of you/your topic's moral character.