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All About Soil

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True of False: Soil can be created when rocks break down into tiny pieces.
Name one reason why soil is important.
any one of these reasons are correct: it helps plants to grow, it is a habitat for animals, or it provides support for plants.
True or False: Soil has both living and nonliving things in it.
Which type of soil is very small in size and has broken pieces of rock? Sand, silt, or clay.
What is dark in color and has dead plants and animals?
Which type of soil does not hold water well and has very few nutrients? Sand, silt, or clay.
Which type of soil has the smallest grains and holds water the best? Sand, silt, or clay.
True of False: Minerals are important for plants to grow.
Name one living thing that is found in soil.
any of these are correct: worms, moles, bacteria, and bugs
True of False: Clay soil has bigger grains than sandy soil.
Name one nonliving thing found in soil.
any of these are correct: minerals, rocks, air, and water
What are the three types of soil?
clay, silt, and sand
What is loam soil?
a mixture of clay, silt, and sand
True of False: Nutrients in soil helps plants to grow.
What is another name for soil?
True or False: Humus is made from living plants and animals.