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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you play basketball? a pitch, a court, a track
a court
Correct the mistake: At the beach we played windsurfing
we went windsurfing
Correct the mistake: Yesterday we made aerobics
we did aerobics
Name 3 sports that have a net
tennis, table tennis, badminton
What is this?
a helmet
What is this? a bat, a racket, a base
a bat
Correct the mistake: I love practising sports
I love doing sports
Name 3 activities you can do in a gym
Running, weights, aerobics, dance, spinning, martial arts, self defence,
The final score was Ireland 31 - 12 Wales. Ireland ____ the match. Wales ____ the match. Ireland _____ Wales.
Ireland won the match. Wales lost the match. Ireland beat Wales.
Name 3 pieces of equipment you need to go snowboarding
helmet, snowboard, goggles, gloves, jacket, boots
Where do you NOT play football? a field, a court, a stadium, a pitch
a court
Correct the mistake: When I was young I used to make skateboarding
When I was young I used to go skateboarding