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The Church Is Catholic

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What is the Immaculate Conception?
When Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother, Saint Ann
What does the word 'Theotokos' mean and how does it refer to Mary?
Theotokos means 'God-bearer' and it is Mary's title because she is the Mother of God.
How is Mary the perfect model of holiness?
Mary was born without Original Sin and remained sinless all her life
What is the significant difference between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Eastern Orthodox Church?
The Eastern Orthodox Church does not recognize the authority of the Pope as head of the Church
Why does the Church of Rome have special authority over all Catholic Churches?
The two great Apostles, Peter & Paul, preached the Gospel and were martyred there. The Bishop of Rome is the successor of Peter.
How is the Church catholic in each of its three distinctions?
Christ is totally present in each parish location and totally present in the church as a whole. The Church is indivisible because Christ is indivisible
What are the 3 meanings of the word 'Church'?
1. The entire community of God's people, or global. 2. The local community, or diocese. 3. The community assembled for liturgy, or parish.
What does the word 'ministry' mean?
The word 'ministry' is based on a word for 'service' and is a way of caring for and serving others
What are the two senses in which the Church is catholic?
First, because Christ is present in her. Second, because Christ has sent her on a mission to unite all people
What does the word 'Catholic' mean?
The word Catholic means universal