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Noun Verb Agreement

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jimmy, Sally and Bob ___ baseball together. (play or plays)
Jimmy, Sally and Bob play baseball together.
Spongebob __ at the Krusty Krab. (work or works)
Spongebob works at the Krusty Krab.
They ___ french fries from McDonald's. (Buy or buys)
They buy french fries from McDonald's.
Kim ___ a smoothie for breakfast. (drink or drinks)
Kim drinks a smoothie for breakfast.
Ryan and Jen ___ over the wall. (Jump or jumps)
Ryan and Harry jump over the wall.
Kevin ___ guitar in the afternoon. (Play or plays)
Kevin plays guitar in the afternoon.
Marco __ his homework early. (Finish or finishes)
Marco finishes his homework early.
Mom and dad ___ to watch TV. (Like or likes)
Mom and Dad like to watch TV.
She ___ a striped sweater. (Wear or wears)
She wears a striped sweater.
Astronauts ___ the moon. (Study or studies)
Astronauts study the moon.
Jimmy __ the leaves. (Rake or rakes)
Jimmy rakes the leaves.
The cat and dog ___ their owner. (Follow or follows)
The cat and dog follow their owner.
The soccer ball __ down the field. (Roll or rolls)
The soccer ball rolls down the field.
Grandpa ___ chicken nuggets for dinner. (Cook or cooks)
Grandpa cooks chicken nuggets for dinner.
Joey ___ a book. (Read or Reads)
Joey reads a book.