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Digital Citizenship

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TRUE OR FALSE: A digital footprint is all the information about a person online either posted by that person or others.
TRUE OR FALSE: Everything you post online leaves a digital trail, even if you just "LIKE" a post.
TRUE OR FALSE: Your digital footprint can be seen by people you've never met.
TRUE OR FALSE: You can always tell who you are talking to online.
TRUE OR FALSE: It is important to be kind online.
TRUE OR FALSE: If something online makes you feel uncomfortable, it is best to tell an adult.
You and your friends ate too much candy and took really silly (and inappropriate) photos at a sleepover. Should you post them? A) No, it will become part of your digital footprint; B) Yes. Your friends look hysterical in them!
A) No, it will become part of your digital footprint.
What do you do if you feel uncomfortable about something someone texted or told you on the phone?        A) Talk about with someone you don't know; B) Ignore it; C) Talk about it with a parent or trusted adult
C) Talk about it with a parent or trusted adult
Which of these can you control in your digital footprint?          A) A Tik Tok you posted; B) Photos your grandma posted of your on Facebook; C) Chat from your favorite video game; D) Your work on Schoology
A) A Tik Tok you posted
TRUE OR FALSE: If you do not follow the rules on a website, you can be kicked off. True False Yes, but they never catch me. No.
______________ before you post.        A) Think; B) Eat; C) Sleep; D) Work out
A) Think
Use digital tools to talk _____________ people, not about them.     A) Against; B) Across; C) With; D) About
C) With
Remember that anything posted online is ____________________.         A) Going to be deleted; B) Temporary; C) Doesn't matter; D) Permanent
D) Permanent
Protect your ___________________information.       A) Public; B) Private; C) Open; D) Candy
B) Private
Stand up to __________________________________.              A) Cyberbullying; B) Cooperation; C) Assistance; D) Kindness
A) Cyberbullying
Follow the schools _______________________ use guidelines.              A) Unacceptable; B) Textbook; C) Acceptable; D) Backpack
C) Acceptable
Which information is safe to give out online?           A) Your address; B) Your first and last name; C) Your school; D) None of these
D) None of these
Communicate ___________________________ .          A) Disrespectfully; B) Respectfully; C) Impudently; D) Rudely
B) Respectfully
Somebody you met on an online game wants to meet you after school...        A) No way, that is not safe; B) Give them the name of your school; C) Sure, I will meet them; D) Tell them where you live
A) No way, that is not safe
If you read something on the Internet it must be true because...            A) Wrong! You can't assume it is true. Check multiple sources. B) The internet is the best source.; C) All web pages have editors.; D) I love games
A) Wrong! You can't assume it is true. Check multiple sources.
Which website is a safe place to post your private information?          A) Instagram; B) YouTube; C) TikTok; D) None of them
D) None of them
What do you do if you get a text that asks for your location?                A) Block the caller and tell someone you trust; B) Call them; C)Text back; D) Give your location
A) Block the caller and tell someone you trust
True or False: If you sent a text message, you can control what happens to the message after you send it.
Which would be a smart response to an Instagram message from a stranger asking for your phone number and where you live? A) Telling the person the information; B) Blocking the person or ignoring it; C) Responding why do they want to know
B) Blocking the person or ignoring it
An ________________ is someone who stands up or supports the person being cyberbullied.
A person who stands by and watches cyberbullying take place is called a __________.
What is an example of a digital device that you use everyday?
Smartphone, tablet, iPad, Kindle, laptop
Anything you put online is always _______________.
A __________________ is a person who posts positive stuff on the internet.
Digital Citizen