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Review U7 (Reported speech)
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Are you tired?" We asked him...
We asked him if he was tired.
"Were you late for school this morning?" My mum asked my sister...
My mum asked my sister if she had been late for school that morning.
"Where does your brother work?" I asked Emma...
I asked Emma where her brother worked.
"Do you like Indian food?" They asked me...
They asked me if I liked Indian food.
"You are going out later, aren't you?" My dad asked me...
My dad asked me if I was going out later.
"What languages do you speak?" The tourist asked me...
The tourist asked me what languages I spoke.
"You've ordered the pizzas, haven't you?" I asked Eddie...
I asked Eddie if he had ordered the pizzas.
"Did you see the football match yesterday?" Jimmy asked me...
Jimmy asked me if I had seen the football match the day before.
"I was at a friend's house yesterday." Lisa said...
Lisa said that she had been at a friend's house the day before.
"I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Jenny told Tom...
Jenny told Tom that she would give him an answer the next day.
"You mustn't tell anyone." Harry told me...
Harry told me that I mustn't tell anyone.
"I've been talking to Frank." Susanna tells me...
Susanna tells me that she's been talking to Frank.
"I don't believe you." My dad told my sister....
My dad told my sister that he didn't believe her.
"I'll never wear this outfit again." Monica said...
Monica said that she would never wear that outfit again.