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The Emperor's New Clothes-Reading comprehension  ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a saying that fits in the story?
children and fool tell the truth
And the moral of the story is......?
We shouldn't be vain and arrogant
How does the Emperor feel when the lie is revealed?
Why is this person the only capable of doing so?
He is innocent
Who reveals the truth about the Emperor's new clothes?
a small child
Why does the Emperor decide to admire the invisible clothes?
He is afraid to be shown to be stupid
Can the Emperor himself see his clothes?
No, he can't
Does the Royal Advisor admit that he cannot see the new clothes?
No, he doesn't
What do they ask from the Emperor?
money , gold and looms
What do the two swindlers claim they can make?
The finest and flawless clothes
Does he care about his people? Why(not)?
No,he doesn't - He is selfish
What does the Emperor like spending his money on?
New clothes