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AC1 - Midterm Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Put the sentence in the causative form: "I cut my hair'
I have / had my hair cut
Make up a short dialog using the expression 'Neither am I'
'I'm not a student' 'Neither am I'
Make up a short dialog using the expression 'So do I'
'I love the Harry Potter books' 'So do I'
Make up a sentence using the word 'either'
You can drink either Coke or Pepsi
Make up a sentence with the words: 'sure' and 'hopeful'
I'm sure she is hopeful about that
Compare something or somebody using the word 'less'
They are less fortunate them us
Choose the best option: 'Let me finish this, (but / then) we'll go.'
Make up a sentence with the words: 'know' and 'sew'
She knows how to sew
Use the word 'one' in sentence. Can't be the number 1.
This restaurant is better than the last one.
Make up a sentence in the First Conditional using the words 'time' and 'go'
If I have time I will go to the party
What would you do if you won the lottery?
I would...
Choose the best option: She's is going to the cinema with (another / other) friends.
Choose the best option: I can't believe, (every / all the) money is mine!
all the
Choose the best option: I'm still hungry, let's have (another/other) pizza
Make up a sentence with the words: 'shouldn't' and 'neither'
You shouldn't date neither of them
Make up a sentence with the words: 'Cranky' and 'Usually'
I usually wake up a little bit cranky
Make up a negative sentence with the word 'anybody'
I don't need anybody to help me
Make up a question with the word 'anything'
Is there anything that you need?
Tell if the sentence is right or wrong. 'Every people here is brazilian'
Wrong. Every person here is Brazilian.
Express that you have the same opinion about: 'I hate K-pop'
So do I / Me too
Use the word 'one' in sentence. Can't be the number 1.
She is the one I was talking about.
Express that you have the same opinion about: 'I don't like chocolate'
Neither do I / Nor do I / I don't like it either