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'The drive from Delhi to Mumbai is just 12 hours' said a traveller
The traveler said that the drive from Delhi to Mumbai was just 12 hours
'A woman won a painting by the famous Picasso' said an artist
The artist said that a woman had won a painting by the famous picasso
'Amazon has recently released its first computer game called Crucible' said a gamer
A gamer said that Amazon had recently released its first computer game called Crucible
'The scary Asian Hornet is crossing the Pacific Ocean to the USA' said a zoologist
A zoologist said that the scary Asian Hornet was crossing the Pacific Ocean to the USA
'New York is removing pay phones from it's streets' said a New Yorker
A New Yorker said that New York was removing pay phone from it's streets
'Amazon opened less cashier stores' said a source
a source said that Amazon had opened less cashier stores
'Archaeologists discovered a 50,000 year old piece of string this year' said a scientist
A scientist said that Archaeologists had discovered a 50,000 year old piece of string that year
'Netflix has greatly increased it subscribers recently' said Ted Sarandos
Ted Sarandos said that Netflix had greatly increased its subscribers recently
'Microsoft updated it's flight simulator this year' said Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella said that Microsoft had updated it's flight simulator that year
'I can find the St Pancras Station in London' said a reporter
The reporter said that you could find the St Pancras Station in London
'The SETI institute in California investigates Aliens and Astronomy'
The SETI institute in California investigated Alien and Astronomy
'I have decided to step down from my Royal Duties' said Harry
Harry said that he had decided to step down from his Royal duties
'Greta Thunberg was TIME's Magazines person of the year in 2019'
Greta Thunberg had been TIME's Magazine's person of the year in 2019
'The price of vegetables suddenly rose up in Bangladesh'
The price of vegetables had suddenly risen up in Bangladesh
'A Saharan ant can run up to 3 kilometers per hour'
A saharan ant could run up to 3 kilometers per hour
Dogs have shown scientists that they can help anxious children
Dogs had shown scientists that they could help anxious children