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The Mughal Dynasty

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What was the name of Shah Jahan's daughter and Aurangzeb's sister?
Aurangzeb gave Sikhs a land for making __________________
Golden Tample
This Mughal emperor lead a simple life away from all the luxuries.
Who built Taj Mahal and why?
Taj Mahal wasbuilt y Shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal
What did Shahjahan asked his people to do in return of making many palaces, mosques, gardens and a 400 miles long road from Lahore to Delhi and Agra?
He charged them high taxes
What was the name of Shahjahan's 3rd wife?
Mumtaz Mahal
In 1627, this man became the next Mughal emperor when his father died.
Shah Jahan
Apart from Babur, which other Mughal emperor kept and wrote daily in his diary?
An Afghan leader named _________________ took Delhi from Humayun.
Sher Shah Suri
Akbar and Hemu fought at _____________ when Hemu attacked Delhi with 1000 elephants.
What is Baburnama?
a diary kept by Babur in which he used to enter all his day to day events
This emperor started the Mughal Empire
This emperor was a firm believer of stars
This emperor is considered to be an animal lover
Ruled over a vast empire which he controlled with an iron hand.
The last Mughal emperor, was defeated in the Revolt of 1857 and exiled to Rangoon by the British.
Bahadur Shah Zafar
One of the most precious diamonds in the world.
kohinoor Diamond
This emperor followed a policy of religious tolerance.
The Mughal emperors who ruled India after the death of Aurangzeb are known as?
Later Mughals
A magnificent throne and a valuable treasure of India, which was taken away by Nadir Shah when he invaded India.
Peacock Throne.
The first battle of Panipat was fought between
Babur and Ibrahim Lodi