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Solids, Liquids and Gas

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Materials that are generally rigid and resistant to deformation
Materials in which state expand to fill the entire container
Which state of matter has no definite shape, but has a definite volume?
Materials in which state has the ability to pour and flow?
Which state of matter has definite shape and definite volume?
Which state of matter neither has a definite shape , nor a definite volume?
Freezing and Boiling are associated with which state of matter?
What is matter made up of?
millions of atoms
What is matter?
Anything that has mass and occupies space is known as matter
This state of matter is mostly invisible. Why?
Gas, because the molecules are far apart
Identify the state of matter for salt.
What state of matter slime has?
Slime is not a solid since it doesn't keep nits shape. its a liquid
Identify (what state of matter is the smoke emitting from the factories?)
Gas (smoke)
What is the state of water at room temperature?
When water turns into steam, it occupies ___________ volume (more - less - same)
What state will water be below 0 degrees centigrade?
What state will water be above 100 degree C?
Gas (water vapour)
What is the state of Oxygen at room temperature?
What is the state of honey at room temperature?