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Our greener world

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one way to raise people's awareness
We raise people's awareness by organizing a contest about environment protection
Name one way to protect the soil
We protect the soil by collecting rubbish.
Name one way to protect the air
We protect the air by plant more trees.
Name one way to protect animals
We protect animals by banning people from hunting them.
Name one way to save electricity
We save electricity by using energy saving light bulbs.
Name one way to save water
We save water by taking a shower instead of a bath.
Name one way to reduce trash
We reduce trash by sorting different types of garbage.
__________________ makes fish die.
Water pollution/ Oil spills
__________________ causes floods
Deforestation/ Cutting down trees
__________________ causes sleeping problems.
Noise pollution/ Noises from constructions/ Noises from vehicles/ Loud music
__________________ causes hearing problems.
Noise pollution/ Noises from constructions/ Noises from vehicles/ Loud music
__________________ causes breathing problems
air pollution/ exhausted gases and smoke from vehicles
People hunt animals for ______________
food, leather, fur, etc
People ruin natural beauty by ______________
scattering/ throwing litter/ trash/ garbage/ rubbish
People damage the soil with ___________
pesticides and herbicides
People contaminate water with _______
chemicals/ oil spills
People dirty the air with _____________________
exhausted gases and smoke