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The Incarnation

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What is the Beatific Vision?
Directly encountering and seeing God in the glory of Heaven
Describe two unique roles that Jesus, as God Made Flesh, fulfills
First, Jesus reveals God the Father to us. Second, Jesus is the one and only mediator between humanity and God.
What does it mean that we are able to share in the divine life of God?
Because Jesus shared in our lives, we are able to share in God's life and we are drawn into communion with the Trinity
How was Jesus conceived in the womb of His mother?
Jesus was conceived in the womb of His mother through the power of the Holy Spirit
What does the Church teach about Scripture reference to Jesus' brothers and sisters?
The persons referred to as Jesus' brother and sisters are understood to be close relations in the tradition of the Old Testament
What is Mary's role in the Incarnation?
To bear the Son of God into the world in a way no one else could
What does the Immaculate Conception mean?
The Immaculate Conception celebrates the day on which Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother, Saint Ann
Why is Mary called 'Theotokos'?
Mary is called Theotokos because she is the Mother of God
What is unique about the Person of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man
What is the Incarnation?
The Incarnation means that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became human to accomplish our salvation