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OW6 Unit 6 Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Finish the sentence: If a manufacturer makes bad products, they will not have any ______________. People will stop buying their products!
Solve the riddle: These are something you use for doors, computers, and mobile phones.
Finish this sentence: When I first bought these trainers they were perfect! But now they have suffered a lot of _____________.
wear and tear
Finish this sentence: "When we climbed to the top of the mountain, my phone didn't have any _________, so I couldn't post my selfie to Instagram."
Choose the correct word: Dummies are used to test the [SAFETY / QUALITY] of cars before we buy them.
Choose the correct word: "How does your new laptop work?" "I don't know. I haven't been able to [DROP / TEST] it yet. I hope it's as nice as it looks!"
Finish this sentence: Lego is a famous ______________ that makes toys that kids and adults like to play with!
Finish this sentence: "Oh no! When I fell I ____________ my jeans on the knee! Now there is a big hole!
Report this question. TEACHER to students: "Did you do your homework last night?
The teacher asked his/her students if they did their homework last night.
Report this question. CHILD to mother: "Mom, will you buy me a new computer game?"
The child asked his/her mother if she would buy him/her a new computer game.
Report this question. SHOP ASSISTANT to customer: "Can I help you with anything?"
The shop assistant asked the customer if he/she could help him/her with anything.
Report this question. CUSTOMER to shop assistant: "What time does the shop close?"
The customer asked the shop assistant what time the shop closed.
Report these instructions. TEACHER to students: Don't forget to revise for your exam.
The teacher told the students not to forget to revise for their exam.
Report these instructions. TINA: "Don't break my new bicycle."
Tina told me not to break her new bicycle.
Report these instructions. SAM to SARAH: "Learn about the product before buying it."
Sam told Sarah to learn about the product before buying it.
Report these instructions. SARAH: "Wear a waterproof coat in the rain."
Sarah told me to wear a waterproof coat in the rain.