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Community, Habitat and Food Chains

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Complete the food web below
Check the diagram.
Explain how organisms Y and Z are affected when organism X multiplies rapidly.
There are lesser Y as there is less light to photosynthesize. With fewer Y, Z has less oxygen and food.
Identify the predators from the food web.
Dragonfly nymph and Tilapia.
Identify the food producers from the food web.
Elodea and Algae
Complete the food web below.
Check the diagram.
Study the graph and food chain below. The population of the aphids started to change rapidly after Week 4 as shown in the graph. Why did the population increased?
There are fewer ladybirds feeding on the aphids.
Using the information from the food chain. Why do the plants grow better when there are a lot of ladybirds in the garden?
There are more ladybirds to feed on the aphids. There are fewer aphids to feed on the plants.
Study the food chain. What is the source of energy for the plant?
The sun
What do the fish provide the plants?
Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Animal waste can act as a fertiliser/ Dead animals decompose to become fertiliser.
Other than food, state 2 other things that the plants provide the fish.
Shelter and oxygen