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Narrative Writing: Dialogue Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
"That was so much fun!" exclaimed Brad.
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
Scott whispered quietly, "Are you still awake?"
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
The crossing guard announced, "You may cross now."
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
"You will do well in the tennis match," assured Frank.
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
"The parade has been canceled," declared the mayor, "due to the rainstorm."
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
Suzy moaned, "I have a terrible headache."
Correctly place the commas and quotation marks.
"The dog is covered in mud," Jan groaned, "and I just gave him a bath."
Identify the dialogue tag.
requested Jamal
Identify the dialogue tag.
Mom asked
Identify the dialogue tag.
Josh moaned
Identify the dialogue tag.
shouted Ann
When using dialogue, where does the punctuation go?
inside the quotation marks
Where can dialogue tags be located in a sentence?
beginning, middle, or end
What are dialogue tags?
They identify who spoke and how they spoke.
What is dialogue?
conversation; talking
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?