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2 ESO Mini Grammar Quiz

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name five vocabulary words!
(check the book)
Finish the sentence using a prediction. Unless he fixes the air conditioner, the house...
will be very hot.
Finish the sentence using a prediction. If it rains...
If it rains I will bring an umbrella.
Create a sentence with the words: be going to.
Check with Andrea/Madison!
Create a sentence with the word: will.
Check with Andrea/Madison!
Replace the word buy with a similar vocabulary word. I want to buy a hairdryer.
I want to purchase a hairdryer.
What is the subject pronoun goes with the object pronoun: us?
What is the subject pronoun goes with the object pronoun: you?
Read the sentence and write an additional sentence using an object pronoun. There's cereal in the box. We should finish...
Read the sentence and write an additional sentence using an object pronoun. Those clothes are still good. You can reuse...
Write a sentence using the past simple or past continuous: Paul/ not talk/ on his mobile
Paul wasn't talking on his mobile when he fell..
Write questions with the words listed: who/ get/ greeting cards/ going to
Who is going to get greeting cards?
List two object pronouns.
Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.
Choose the correct answer: If you [don't buy]/[won't buy] one of these, your fish won't live very long.
If you don't buy one of these, your fish won't live very long.
What does the contraction "won't" mean?
Won't = Will not
When do we use the words "be going to?"
To talk about future plans and intentions.
What object pronoun goes with the following: James and I
What object pronoun goes with the following: the flowers
Write a sentence using the first conditional using the words listed: not use this/not wake up
If you don't use this, you won't wake up.
Write a sentence using the first conditional with the words listed: look at this/see your face
If you look at this, you will see your face.
Choose the correct answer: If you put your dishes in it, it [wash]/[will wash] them.
If you put your dishes in it, it will wash them.
Write a question with the words listed: where/18 students/will/live
Where will 18 students live?
Make a question with the words listed: any students/work/with animals/will
Will any students work with animals?