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Numbers 13-14

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the Israelites promise to God at Mt. Sinai?
That they would do everything God commanded
Review: God provided for his people in the desert, but how?
water from a rock, manna and quail
What rumors were spread about the land of Canaan?
That they couldn't grow anything in the soil, that the people were giants
Why were the Israelites scared of the people in Canaan?
They said, "The people are too strong for us!"
"Look at this fruit! The land is flowing with _______ and ______!"
Milk and Honey
How long did they explore the land of Canaan for?
40 days
What fruit did Moses ask the spies to bring back with them?
What did Moses ask the 12 tribal leaders to do in Canaan?
Go look at the hill country and see what the region was like.
God rescued his people from Egypt. They travelled through the ____ _____ and then travelled to Sinai.
Red Sea
Where did the Israelites set up camp after leaving Sinai?
Paran Desert
Review from last time: What was the tabernacle?
It was the special tent that God had the Isrealites build. It was God's dwelling with them.