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Fitness Components for lower elementary

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True or false: Only gymnasts and dancers need to be flexible.
False. Everybody should practice flexibility exercises so your muscles and joints can move in their full range of motion.
Name an exercise that gets your heart rate up and strengthens muscles
Bike riding, rock climbing, running, lifting weights, push-ups, lunges
True or false: Muscle weighs more than fat
Name a fact about your heart muscle
Strongest muscle of body. Pumps blood.
True or False: Two examples of muscular endurance exercises are push-ups and sit-ups.
What does ENDURANCE mean?
To exert yourself and remain active over a long period of time (running, biking, swimming)
True or false: I should exercise for 30 minutes or less per day.
False. You should exercise for 60 minutes or more per day.
Name an exercise that can improve our muscular strength
Sit ups, push-ups, squats, lunges
True or False: Running is an exercise that works on the ENDURANCE of our HEART
Name a way we can work on our flexibility
Stretching, yoga, pilates