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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me about the boat
It's white and big There are people
What's in the boy's hands?
a teddy bear
Tell me about the lorry
It's red it's on the floor
How many ballons are there?
There are five
What are the men doing?
Tell me about the mum in the kitchen
She has got carrot She is beautiful and she's happy
What are the children doing?
watching tv
Tell me about the bathroom
It's big and blue and white. There's a mirror A boy's having a bath there
Tell me about the hall
It's small and red There're shoes and jackets There's a phone
Tell me about the kitchen
It's green and small There's mum She is cooking
Tell me about the bedroom
It's big and purple There're two fish The girl is sleeping there
How many lamps are there?
There are five
What is the girl in pink T-shirt doing?
Flying a kite
What is the boy in red T-shirt doing?
Taking a photo
What are the boys doing?
Playing table tennis
What's this?
This is a watermelon
What are these?
These are glasses
What's this?
It's a board game
What's this?
It's an eraser
What's this?
It's a shell
What's this?
It's a bath
What's this?
It's a coconut
Can you see the white T-shirt?
Yes, It's here
Where's the boy walking with a dog?
What shops can you see at the street?
Where's the red car?
It's in front of book shop
Where is the motorbike?
it's in front of the fruit shop