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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While the girl was sick with COVID-19, she had to ISOLATE in her bedroom so she wouldn't make anyone else sick.
to cause a person, place, or thing to remain alone or separate
The speaker spoke so rapidly that his words were iINCOHERENT to most in the audience.
not logical or easily understood
In the movie’s sequel, the captured villain will break out of prison and RETALIATE against the superheroes that put him there.
to respond to an attack in some way
Driving with your eyes closed is not FEASIBLE.
to do without too much difficulty; possible
The difficult woman left the maid EXPLICIT details about how she wanted her house cleaned.
specific about rules or what is required
As the bus driver repeatedly told the kids to take their seats, I started to cringe each time I heard the REDUNDANT words.
something that is unnecessary
The waitress asked to see my driver’s license so she could VERIFY my age.
to prove or confirm something
While sitting in rush hour traffic, James had plenty of time to PONDER the why he failed his test.
to think about something seriously
When James chooses his assistant manager, he will select the employee who can most EXEMPLIFY the core values of the company.
to show or illustrate by example
While Ann was opposed to marriage in her early twenties, she has now changed her PERSPECTIVE and cannot wait to marry.
the way an individual views something
There is a MANDATORY meeting that we all must attend as faculty members, so we can have no excuse for being absent.
something that is absolutely required and must be done
In elementary school, we would often point at someone and hold our noses to IMPLY the person had a stinky odor.
to hint at something without directly stating or presenting
The greatest INCENTIVE I have for losing weight is my desire to share a long and healthy life with my family.
that which encourages or motivates a person to do something
Since I heard the GIST of my neighbors’ argument, I knew exactly why they were fighting.
the main idea or point
Eric loves to FLAUNT his flashy clothes because he thinks that he is super cool.
to show off, brag
The felon hoped that her name would not APPEAR in the paper since reading about her arrest there might embarrass her parents.
to become visible; to come into sight
In order for the team to perform a complex task, all members must COLLABORATE with each other.
to work with individuals or a single person to complete a task
I must CLARIFY that I never intended to offend anyone with my words.
to make clear and easier to understand
The fishing trade had become so important by 1800 that it was necessary to CONSTRUCT a new dock.
to build
Stephanie’s dress was way too ELABORATE for a casual dinner.
detailed, very involved
The teacher had her students CLASSIFY all the shapes with less than four sides in one basket and the shapes with more than four or more sides in another.
to group things or people together in categories based on things they have in common