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Where - Who - What - When

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these?
These are ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a ________________
What is this?
This is a _____________________
What is this?
This is a ______________
Where are your shoes?
My shoes are _____________
Where is your pencil?
My pencil is _____________
Who is this?
This is ______________
Who is this?
This is ____________
Who is this?
This is ______________
Who is this?
This is ____________
Who is this?
This is ________________
When do you eat dinner?
I eat dinner at ________________
When do you have a english class with George?
I have an english class with George every ___________________.
When do you go do school?
I go to school every _______________
When do you wake up in the morning?
I wake up at ________________
Who is this?
This is ________________
Who is this?
This is _____________________
Who is this?
This is ____________
Who is this?
This is ___________________
Who is this?
This is ______________
Where is your bicycle?
It is __________________.
Where is the fridge?
It is _______________
Where is the TV?
It is __________________.
What is under your bed?
There is ______________ under my bed!
What is next to you?
There is _______________ next to me!
What is on your bed?
There is __________________ on my bed!
Where is your bag?
It is _________________
Where is your dad?
He is _____________.
Where is your mom?
She is ______________