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4th gr. Common Assessment #3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens to some metals when they get wet?
They rust (which is a chemical change)
If you change one thing in an investigation, then repeat the investigation, what do you call it?
Changing a variable
Why would one student compare their data to another student after an investigation?
To see if their data matches
What type of energy comes from plugs in the wall?
electrical energy
If two jars are filled with different amounts of water, which jar would have a higher pitched sound if hit with a spoon?
The jar with less water would make a higher pitched sound. It would vibrate faster than the jar filled with water. The water slows down the vibration.
What is a good insulator used in a kitchen?
possible answers: oven mitts, plastic handles on hot objects.
How does heat transfer?
Heat always transfers from warmer objects to cooler objects.
What cities make the best locations for wind turbines to be used for wind energy collection?
Cities with the highest wind speed average.
What happens as a ball rolls down a hill?
It gets faster as long as it is rolling downward.
What are the results of motion?
Always a position change, sometimes a direction change.
What unit of measurement is used to record a change in temperature?
degrees (Celsius or Fahrenheit)
Which material is a better conductor: plastic, wood, metal, or rubber?
metal is the better conductor.
If you had a toy car and two ramps of different heights, which ramp would make the car go faster?
The taller ramp will make the car go faster.
What are some physical properties used to describe objects?
shape, texture, hardness, size
Why would a piece of metal move towards a stone?
The stone is magnetic, so it is attracting the metal object.
What is a conductor?
A material that transfers heat well
What is an insulator?
A material that limits the amount of heat that passes through it.
If you had a rock that had a mass of 40 g and you broke it into, what would be the combined mass of all the pieces?
40 g.
What is the formula for speed?
distance ÷ time = speed
What science tool allows you to see details in objects that are very far away?
a telescope
What science tool helps you see details in very small things?
a microscope
What will always change when an object is in motion?
its position (location)
A chemical change in matter involves the formation of a new substance. What is something that would cause a chemical change in matter?
burning, rusting, or cooking
A physical change in matter does not involve a new substance being formed. What is an example of a physical change?
A change in the state of matter or cutting or breaking the matter into pieces
What type of energy is formed when something vibrates?
sound energy
What is the definititon of matter
anything with mass and volume
What is happening to the state of matter of water when it boils?
It is changing from a liquid to a gas
What is Earth's hydropshere?
the total amount of water on our planet