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American Revolution Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of did the Americans set up after the American Revolution?
a representative government; a republic
What disadvantage did the British have?
had to fight far away from home
What advantages did the colonists have?
a strong leader; knew the land
When was the United States' Constitution written?
When did the Battle of Lexington occur?
April 19, 1775
What battle was the turning point in the war for the Americans?
Battle of Saratoga
When did the war end?
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 4, 1776
Why did most of the English colonies create constitutions?
set up laws to keep peace
Give one main point of the Declaration of Independence.
All men are created equal; People have rights no one can take; Governments must protect people's rights; People can overthrow gov't that don't protect rights
Why did colonists hold the First Continental Congress?
Called for British laws to be reversed and for independence
Where was the first battle located?
Lexington, Massachusetts
Why did the American Revolution began?
colonists were being taxed too much
Why did the colonists dump the tea in the Boston Harbor?
Because of the Tea Act; colonists found out others paid less for tea
Which act required the American colonists to house and feed British soldiers?
Intolerable Acts
What did the colonists hope to achieve by boycotting British goods?
equal representation in the British government
Which act required the American colonists to sell goods only to members of the British Empire?
Navigation Acts
Why would Britain want American colonists to trade only Britain?
To make money
Who helped the Americans in the American Revolution?
Who fought in the American Revolution?
Americans and British
Who left England for being persecuted for practicing their religion?
a government whose powers are limited by laws or a document such as a constitution
limited government
the idea that government is created by the people and must do what the people request
popular sovereignty
to protest by refusing to do something
a written plan on government
to treat a group of people cruelly or unfairly