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Music & food

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's on your sandwhich?
There is tuna and there is lettuce.
Do you like baby food?
No, I don't
What would you like?
I would like some sausages
What's this?
It's sushi
What's on your plate?
There is pumpkin soup
Do you like fruit?
Yes, I do
What's on your plate?
There is bread and there are eggs.
What would you like ?
I would like a sandwhich
What's your favourite food?
My favourite food is sweetcorn
What's on your plate?
There is a hamburger
What would you like?
I would like some yoghurt
What would you like?
I would like some noodles
Do you like vegetables?
No, I don't
What's that?
It's fish and chips
What's on your plate?
There are pancakes
What's your favourite food
My favourite food is curry and rice
What's on your pizza?
There is cheese, there is pepperoni, there are mushrooms, there are olives and there are green peppers.
Do you like chicken?
Yes, I do
What kind of music is this?
It's hip hop
What instrument do you play?
I play the keyboard
Do you play the trumpet?
No, I don't
What instrument does she play?
She plays the flute
What instrument is this?
They are cymbals
What kind of music is this?
It's classical music
What instrument do you play?
I play the drums
What instrument does she play?
She plays the violin
What type of music is this?
It's pop music
What is this?
It's a concert
What does he play?
He plays the cello
Do you play guitar?
Yes, I do