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The Elizabethans.

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was Elizabeth I's brother?
Edward VI.
Who was Elizabeth I's sister?
Mary Tudor.
What could happen to a member of the poor if they chose not to work?
They could be sentenced to death.
What law was passed to help the Poor?
The Poor Law.
What class was at the bottom of the classes in Elizabethan England?
The Poor.
Citizens or burgesses are the urban (town-dwelling) equivalent of which class?
How long must yeomen hold land for before they can be considered as a member of the gentry?
3 generations.
Who are the yeomen's landlords?
The gentry.
What is a yeoman?
The yeomanry are essentially prosperous, non-gentle (and non-husbandmen) tenants, worth no less than £6 per annum, according to Harrison.
Other categories are included under the heading of gentry. These are gentlemen, gentlewomen, squires and....?
Did a gentleman have the right to bear arms?
What was the key to becoming a member of the gentry?
How much of the population of Elizabethan England were classified as gentry?
What were gentlemen in Elizabethan times?
Gentlemen were people who had become wealthy landowners, by acquiring large amounts of property.
Name two of the four kinds of Elizabethan people.
Gentlemen, yeomen, citizens, labourers.
Who was Queen Elizabeth's Father?
Henry VIII