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Modal Verb Camping

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is something that I have to take (Very strong advice/ rule/ its dangerous if I don't)?
ex) You have to take a tent, you must bring a first aid kit, ect...
What's something that you think I should take (advice)
Ex) I always think it's a good idea to bring a good book, you should take extra blankets, ect...
Give me something that I could take camping to make things easier (a suggestion)
ex) You could take a lantern, an RV/ Caravan, a barbecue or a mini stove
What is something you have never done before?
ex) I have never been skiing before.
Have you ever been camping before? If yes what was your favorite part? If no, then would you like to go camping? Why what sounds the most fun?
ex) Yes, I have been camping many times, I love it. My favorite part is the campfire. I love singing songs, telling spooky stories, and toasting s'mores
Have you ever had an adventure before? If yes then name 3 things you have done before. If no, then name three things you would like to do.
ex) Yes I have. I have been rock-climbing, ziplining, and white water rafting
What is something I need to do before I leave for my camping trip?
ex) Double check your supplies, check the weather, make sure your first aid kit is full, ect...
I'm going camping what advice can you give me?
Ex) Remember to double check your supplies so you don't forget anything, remember to have a plan, ect...
I need to cut this pizza but I don't have a knife, what should I do?
ex) use a fork, wait until its cool enough to rip it with your hands, ect...
you have reached the top of the mountain what can you see?
ex) the horizon or skyline, a beautiful view, the forest down below, ect...
name 3 things you eat while camping
ex) toasted marshmallows or s'mores, grilled hotdogs, baked beans, fresh fish, ect...
name 3 things that could go wrong while camping
ex) it could rain, someone could get hurt, someone could get lost, ect...
animals could eat your food, what should you do?
ex) you should always remember to lock your food up, hang it from a tree, ect...
Ouch! I hurt myself, what do I need
ex) a first aid kit, a bandage/ Band-Aid,ect...
We need to know what to do in case of an emergency, we must have a
We need to know what to do in case of an emergency, we must have a
It will get dark, we should bring
ex) a flashlight/torch, a lantern, ect...
Name three things that you might see when you go camping
ex)bears, mountains, lakes, rivers, ect...
It could get cold, what should we do?
ex) We should bring a blanket, a sleeping bag, warm clothes, matches for a fire, ect...
We could get lost, so we should have a...
ex)map, compass, plan, ect...
There will be mosquitoes, what should we do?
We should bring bug spray/ bug repellent
What is something you should never do when you are camping?
ex) wander around the woods alone at night, forget to bring a map or a compass, ect...
It could rain on our camping trip, what should we bring?
ex) we should remember to bring an umbrella, a raincoat, a tarp, a rain poncho, ect...
I am lost, what is some advice you can give me?
ex) you should try and find a landmark like a mountain 
What is something you cannot forget to bring?
ex) A map, toilet paper, bug spray, sun screen, ect...
Name 3 activities that you can do while Camping
ex) go hiking, go canoeing, go on a nature walk, ect...