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Chapter 13: Changing American Identity
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Which facts support the idea that women were second-class citizens during the 19th century?
1) Second-class citizens who could not vote. 2) Married women could not own property or enter into contracts. 3) Earned less money than men
How were the views of William Lloyd Garrison and John Quincy Adams alike and different?
. Both men supported the abolition of slavery, but Garrison wanted immediate emancipation, while Adams called for gradual emancipation.
Which women’s rights supporter was also a free African-American abolitionist?
Sojourner Truth
What right did single women have that married women did not?
the right to own property
When did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organize the Seneca Falls Convention?
Why were the Grimké sisters eyewitnesses to the cruelties of slavery?
They saw how enslaved people were treated on their family’s plantation.
What idea did William Lloyd Garrison support?
immediate emancipation
Who wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl?
Harriet Jacobs
What is suffrage?
the right to vote
What was the Seneca Falls Convention?
an 1848 women’s rights convention organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott in Seneca Falls, New York
What was the Underground Railroad?
a network of people helping African Americans escape from slavery from the southern United States to the northern states or to Canada before the Civil War
what does emancipation mean?
the ending of slavery
What is an abolitonist?
a person who wants to end slavery