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Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does contiguous mean?
What is the Gadsen Purchase?
a sale of land in 1853 from Mexico to the United States that established the current U.S. southwestern border
What is a parallel?
a line of latitude
What is a proviso?
a condition attached to a legal document or legislation
What is an insurrection?
a rebellion
What is a diplomat?
a person sent to another nation to represent his or her country’s interests
What is a margin?
the amount by which something is won or lost
What is a siege?
a military tactic in which troops surround a city with soldiers in an attempt to take control of it
What is manifest destiny?
the idea that the United States had the right and the obligation to expand its territory across North America to the Pacific Ocean
Define annex.
to add
What does rendezvous mean?
a temporary market where trappers met to trade and socialize
Who were mountain men?
the American fur trappers and explorers who began to explore and move west
What is indivdualism?
self-reliant independence
How did Britain and the United States settle their Oregon Territory conflict?
British and U.S. lawmakers compromised by making the 49th parallel of latitude the northern border of the United States.
Who commanded the U.S. troops landing at Veracruz in 1847?
Winfield Scott
Which area is associated with the Bear Flag Revolt?
Sonoma, California
Why was the Gadsden Purchase important?
It added territory for a rail line from Los Angeles to El Paso.
Why did northerners object to the annexation of Texas?
It would increase the number of slave states.
Who opposed the Mexican-American War?
Abraham Lincoln
Why do you think that most Texans favored annexation by the United States, even after Texas won independence from Mexico?
. Texans did not have an established economy. They also realized that they were still vulnerable to additional Mexican attacks.
Why was independent Texas known as the Lone Star Republic?
Its flag had a single star on it.
What did President James K. Polk firmly support?
manifest destiny
Who was the victor at the Battle of San Jacinto?
Sam Houston
What led to the Texas War for Independence?
Mexican rejection of Texas statehood within Mexico
Who led an expedition to discover the headwaters of the Arkansas River?
Zebulon Pike