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B2 Citizen Z Unit 6 Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the missing words: Listen Tim, I know you really loved Mark but you two _________ up months ago! It's time you got ________ him and started to feel happy again.
split / over
Fill in the missing word: My teachers this year are ______ nearly as strict as my teachers were last year.
In my opinion, Among Us is [ nearly / far] more fun to play with friends than Fortnight.
Fill in the missing word: Trevor has bought a very nice diamond ring this weekend. I think he and Dina are going to get ____________.
engaged (or married)
What is the verb form of the noun "introduction"?
Give an example of a complaint you might hear in a restaurant.
Example answer: My food is cold!
Fill in the missing word: Los Angeles is ____________ near as fun as New York City! You must be crazy!
Fill in the missing word: Is it true that Andrew asked Emma _________?! I can't believe it!
Fill in the blank with a contrast linker: The doctors told Amelia after her injury that she would never play sports again. ________________ , she is now a world class athlete.
nevertheless / however
Fill in the blank with a contrast linker: ____________ I studied all night, I did not pass my maths exam.
Even though /although
make a the, the comparative about movies
example answer: The funnier the movie, the more I enjoy it!
Sentence transformation: Doing yoga is not any easier than playing football. It's really challenging! JUST Doing yoga is ____________________ playing football. It's really challenging!
just as difficult/hard as
What way of speaking is being used here? "Excuse me, how much do these trainers cost? I can't find the price."
"The bus to Bibao has been cancelled. The next bus will leave tomorrow morning at 8am." This is an example of a(n) [complaint / announcement]
My friend [confessed / recommended] that I see the new Justice League movie on HBO.