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The European Union

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain services within the Single Market?
People and businesses can provide services within other member states. Doctors and architects need the same qualifications
What can you tell me about Goods?
EU sets certain standards and specifications for goods. Goods that are imported do not need to pass through customs control when moving to another member state
What can citizens in the EU do?
Live, work, travel or study without the need of a permit/visa
What is Capital?
Citizens are allowed to open bank accounts, purchase real estate in other member states and companies can invest in or other European companies
What is the European Parliament?
Prepares and passes laws and budgets. Shares power with the Council of the EU
What is the European Council?
EU general political directions and its priorities
What is the European Commission?
Implements EU policies and proposes new laws
Which main institution makes sure EU funds are collected and used correctly?
European Court of Auditors
What is the security for the currency to avoid fraud?
Watermarks, holograms and security threads
Explain what the euro sign means?
Greek letter epsilon, the two bars represent stability
What are the advantages of the euro?
1.Economy is more stable and allows growth 2. Business do not need to calculate exchange rate 3. Promotes trade 4. Global economy: 2nd best currency
What is the EU currency? When did Spain join?
Euro. In 2002
Can the EU also trade with other countries that are not part of the EU? What is the process?
Yes, checked at boarders and once moved around within EU member states there is no additional fee
Member states must do what in order to remain part of the Single Market?
Special payments and follow the EU laws
What are the four freedoms?
The free movement of goods, capital, services and people
Which main institution discusses and approves EU laws and manages security manners?
Council of the EU
Which main institution makes sure member states and EU institutions observe the law?
Court of Justice
How many main institutions are there in the EU and can you name them?
6: European Parliament, Council of the EU, European Commission, European Council, Court of Justice and European Court of Auditors
The objective of the EU: In order to create a successful union, what does the EU invest in?
Education, medical, scientific and technological progress
What does the EU flag look like?
Blue background with 12 golden stars aligned in a circle
What is the moto of the EU?
United in diversity
When is Europe day and what does it celebrate?
9th of May, celebrates peace and unity
What is the European anthem? It is based on what music?
Ode to Joy. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Who were the founding members of the European Economic Community (EEC)?
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Italy
When did the Treaty of Rome create the European Economic Community (EEC)?
In 1957
What does the EU aim for its member state and citizens?
To protect and strengthen the rights and interest
How many countries are there in the EU?
27 countries