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Good friends or NOT!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Good friend or not: When we play they always choose what we are going to do
Bad friend
Good friend or not: When I dropped my books, they offered to help
Good Friend
Good friend or not: When I was playing alone, they invited me to play
Good friend!
Good friend or not: Talks about what they like and never ask you any questions
bad friend
Good friend or not: Asks you questions about your weekend
Good friend
Good Friend or not: helps you when you need it
Good friend
Good Friend or not: include others in a game
Good friend
Good Friend or not: Celebrate when they win
Good friend
Good Friend or not: givesyou  a hug when you are upset
Yes, good friend
Good Friend or not: laughs at you when you make a mistake
Not a good friend
Good Friend or not: Gets upset when they play with other kids
Not a good friend
Good Friend or not: Make fun of your friend when they lose a game
Not a good friend
Good Friend or not: play fair when you play games
Good friend
Good Friend or not: will not share his toys
Not a good friend
Good Friend or not: Insist to do things YOUR way
Good Friend or not: Sharing your things
Good friend
Good Friend or not: Breaking a promise with a friend for another friend
Good Friend or not:Making fun of a friend who is upset or hurt
Good Friend or not: Laughing at your friend's joke
Good Friend