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Fitness components

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Name the fitness component: Your body's ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. Is it body composition, muscular endurance, or cardiovascular endurance?
Body composition
What is cardiovascular endurance?
Your body's ability to deliver oxygen to working muscles during exercise. And/or: The ability of your heart & lungs to work efficiently during exercise.
Muscular strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can produce with a SINGLE maximal effort. Name an example of an exercise that works muscular strength.
Lifting weights, working with resistance bands, heavy gardening, such as digging and shoveling, climbing stairs, push-ups, sit-ups
True or False. Fat weighs more than muscle.
True or False. Flexibility is your muscles and joints' ability to move through their full range of motion.
Name one or more ways we can improve flexibility.
Yoga, stretching, pilates
Name a way to improve our body composition.
Pushups, squats, burpees, cardio (running, biking), yoga, strength training. EXERCISING!
Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats are examples of which of the following fitness components? Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, or flexibility
Muscular strength
Name a purpose of learning the 5 fitness components.
1) To incorporate into our exercise routines. 2) To learn how to maintain our health and fitness.
True or false. Muscular endurance is your muscles' ability to exert force repeatedly for an EXTENDED period of time.
Name an exercise that tests our cardiovascular endurance
Running, swimming, biking