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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Obědvali jsme před hodinou.
We had lunch an hour ago.
Nenapsal ten dopis minulou noc.
He didn't write the letter last night.
They brought a lot of bananas from the shop.
Přinesli z obchodu hodně banánů.
Viděl jsi předevčírem Lucy?
Did you see Lucy the day before yesterday?
Koupili to auto minulý rok.
They bought the car last year.
Pracoval jako zubař.
He worked as a dentist.
Minulý týden jsme nešli do kina.
We didn't go to the cinema last week.
Postavili ten dům v roce 2000.
They built the house in 2000.
Volal jsi včera Pavlovi?
Did you call Paul yesterday?
Ta hodina začala v 8.
The lesson started/began at 8.
Stal se populárním lékařem.
He became a popular doctor.
Moji rodiče nežili v Praze.
My parents didn't live in Prague.
Co jsi dělal včera?
What did you do yesterday?