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IELTS 5.5 Unit 8: Fashion and Design (Speaking+  ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everyone else was in jeans and ..... gear and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb.
casual (adj)
We just go to the park for a walk, you don't have to dress .....clothes.
formal (adj)
(collocation) knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done
hands on experience (n)
I love that live action movie. It's very .....to watch for Saturday night.
entertaining (adj)
(adjective) making something or someone look more attractive
decorative (adj)
When going to the bakery, remember to buy me some cake ...... The flour is too soft to be in shape.
Is it just a ....... that the wife of the man who ran the competition won first prize?
coincidence (n)
(verb) to sew two things together, or to repair something by sewing
stitch (v)
I love going to Hoi An ...... town. It's very old and picturesque.
ancient (adj)
The place where something started to exist, it is the ....
origin (n)
You keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed, you....
preserve (v)
When you decorate cloth or clothing with patterns or pictures consisting of stitches that are sewn directly onto the material
embroider (v)
When you are not working, you are enjoying your...
pastime (n)
When things take up too much space; or they are large and unwieldy. They are....
bulky (adj)