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Vertebrates and invertebrates

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What covers the birds body?
Name a reptile with no legs
Name a mammal that flies
Name a mammal with no legs
whale, dolphin
Name an arthropod with six legs
ladybug, butterfly, mosquitoe, etc
Name an arthropod with 8 legs?
What do birds have to fly?
name two amphibians
Name two reptiles
What do fish have to swim?
What do fish have to breathe?
What do birds have to feed with?
a beak
How do amphibians breathe when they are adults?
With lungs and through the skin
How do amphibians breathe when they are babies?
They breathe with gills
What covers the amphibians body?
thin skin
What covers the fish and reptiles' bodies?
What vertebrate animals are oviparous?
birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians
What is a a mammal?
Animals that drink their mother's milk.
How do mammals breathe?
with lungs
What kind of animal is the whale?
What covers the body of most mammals?
hair or fur
vertebrate or invertebrate
Vertebrate or invertebrate?
Mention two groups of invertebrates
arthropods, worms, cnidarians, equinoderms, and mollusks
What are the 5 different types of vertebrates?
mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds
What is an omnivore?
Animals that feed on meat and plants
What is a herbivore?
animals that eat plants
What is a carnivore?
Animals that eat other animals ( meat)
What is an oviparous ?
animals born from eggs
What is a viviparous animal?
An animal that is born from the mother's womb
What do vertebrates have that invertebrates don't have?
backbone, skeleton, bones