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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She did it the most efficiently of all. - Say this sentence again, starting by "Nobody ..."
Nobody did it as efficiently as her.
She can read music much more quickly than I can. - Say this sentence again, starting by "I can't ..."
I can't read music as quickly as she can.
A lot of people behaved badly at the party, but she behaved worst of all.- Say this sentence again, using "... than anyone".
She behaved worse than anyone at the party.
What's the opposite of "better"?
She used to rely more heavily on her pills. - Say this sentence again, using "less" or "as ... as".
She doesn't rely on her pills as heavily as she did before .
Compare two school subjects and tell us which one you like better.
I like English better than science.
What's the opposite of "the most"?
the least
What's the opposite of "more"?
She spoke more quietly today than she did yesterday. - Say this sentence again, using "as ... as" or "less".
She spoke less quietly yesterday.
Compare how you spelled last year to how you spell now.
I can spell better now (than I did last year).
Make a sentence with "less" in it.
My brother completed the activity less carefully than I did.
Make a sentence with "as ... as" in it.
I can speak English as fluently as my mum.
Let's imagine you're the most intelligent person that has ever lived. Now, compare yourself to anyone you'd like at doing an activity of your choice (i.e.: running, swimming, cooking, etc.).
I can run the fastest of all!
Compare how well Dominos and Little Caesars make pizza.
Dominos make pizza better than Little Caesars.
Compare how well you and your sister / brother speak English.
I can speak English better than my brother / sister does.
Make a sentence with "carefully" in it.
Please answer all questions carefully.
adverb or adjective - BEST
superlative adjective and adverb for good and well
adverb or adjective? - FAST