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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother always go/ goes camping at the weekend.
What does she do at the weekend? (sometimes)
She sometimes goes shopping.
Mark like/ likes listening to music in his free time.
They don't go/ doesn't go to the sport center every day.
don't go
We sometimes visit/ visits our grandparents in the summer.
(Be) ________ you a student? --> No, ________
Are you a student? --> No, I'm not.
She never cook/ cooks.
Do/ Does he like playing the guitar?
What does she do at the weekend? (often)
She often surfs the Internet.
what do you do at the weekend? (sometimes)
I sometimes water the flowers.
_____ your brother like playing the vionlin? --> No, _______
Does, he doesn't
They always watch/ watches TV together.
I don't go/ doesn't go to the swimming pool every day.
don't go
My mom always make/ makes delicious meals.
What does she do at the weekend? (usually)
She usually reads stories/ reads books.
What do you do at the weekend? (rarely)
I rarely ride a bike.
John (be) ________ my brother. He always (wake) _________ up at 6.00.
is, wakes
My grandparents live/ lives in a small village.
My father (not be) ________ a farmer. He (be) ______ a doctor.
isn't (is not), is
What does your father do at the weekend? (often)
He often goes to the sports center./ the gym.
What does he like doing in his free time?
He likes dancing.