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Mistakes corrections B1+ unit 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Shoudents shouldn`tbring food (against the rules)
You don`t arrive before 9.30 (not necessary)
You don`t have to
I must to print my essay
Must print
You don`t have to bring a dog here
You can able to go on the school trip if you have enough money
You can go to the
If I could afford it , I not able buy a new laptop
would be able to buy
Magda can`t come with me because she was caught failing in an exam
The course finishes on the 17th of July and then I`m free!
the term
My driving instructer picked me up
I`m afraid you don`t have to wait for the doctor here. Please go into the waiting room
You can`t
You must to have helmet if you ride a motorbike
You have to wear a helmet
If you want to run the marathon, you need to as soon as possible
you had better start training
It`s not a good idea to eat too much junk food (Eat)
You shouldn`t eat
If I have your brains, I would pass the exam easily
If I had
If I was you, I would spend some time revising
If I were you
If the test is difficult, I know I would fail
I will fail
If I fail any exams, I`ll have to .... them in the autumn
Where do you learn about the building of machines and structures?
My brother would like to be a scintist
They`re looking for a new technich for the laboratory
The manager sent letters to all their employers