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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
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Where do you go to manually enter transactions occurred in a bank account that does not feed?
Transactions - Browse Bank Statements, Bank Account, Add
Where can you put fund notes in Class?
Fund - Fund Notes
Where can you go to find the asset allocation?
Fund Dashboard - main screen, investments - browse holdings report, run reports- asset allocation
Where do we go to access client view ?
The icon next to question mark in Class
Where do you go to find transaction rules set up in Class?
Transactions - transaction rules - view transaction rules
Where do you go to add tags in Class?
Fund - Fund details
Does the external superfund balances flow into Class?
No - you need to manually enter the external superannuation balances from ATO report
Where can you go to find the pension accounts for a member?
Members - browse members, or members - browse pension reviews
What does it mean when the investments holdings are red in Class?
There is a variance between the data we have on file and the data from the external party
What does it mean when the investment holdings are in Green in class?
The data in Class matches to the data feeding from external party
Where can you go to see what data feeds have been set up in Class?
Feeds- Feeds Console
Where do you go to access the transactions that have occurred in one bank account?
Transactions - browse bank statements
Can you set up property investments in Class?
Does the superfund code in class match the code in ECM?
Do all superfunds need to be GST registered?
Can you add eight members in Class?
Can you add financial advisers to Class relationships?
Can you set up transaction rules in class?
Can I find out the superfund corporate trustee from the fund dashboard?
Where can you get the trial balance?
Reports - Trial Balance
What is the dashboard?
The home page with all relevant superfund information