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4/13 Game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Calculate the volume of the image. Round to nearest tenth.
7.3 inches cubed
Calculate the volume of the pencil. Round to nearest tenth.
3.5 inches cubed
Identify the shape needed to calculate the volume of this object.
Identify the two shapes needed to calculate the volume of this object.
cylinder (inside donut hole) and cylinder (actual donut)
Identify the two shapes needed to calculate the volume of this object.
a hemisphere (umbrella) and cylinder (post)
Is this a physical or chemical change?
chemical change - the egg cannot be un-cooked, and it changes color
Is this a physical or chemical change?
chemical change because the burning wood creates new substances - smoke, ash. The wood cannot be un-burned.
Is this a physical or chemical change?
physical change - the celery stays the same substance, just smaller in size
Is this a physical or chemical change?
physical change - liquid heated to vapor
Physical or Chemical: a change in phase (ex. water vapor to condensation)
physical change
Physical or Chemical: which change creates a new substance?
chemical changees
True or False: atoms make up ALL matter, living and non-living.
Look at the Periodic Table -- which group of elements is outlined in blue on the right?
Noble Gases
Look at the Periodic Table -- which element has a higher atomic number, Calcium (Ca) or Copper (Cu)?
Copper (Cu) has an atomic number of 29
Look at the Periodic Table -- which category is Oxygen (O) in?
Look at the Periodic Table -- why are metalloids in between metals and non-metals?
Metalloids have properties of metals and non-metals
Look at the Periodic Table -- identify a metal.
any element outlined in red