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Passive voice, have something done, reflexive pr ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jak se hláskuje to slovo?
How is the word spelled/spelt?
Nemůžeš teď použít ten počítač. Je zrovna používán.
You can't use that computer now. It's being used.
Correct or incorrect: Julia had a great holiday. She enjoyed herself.
Je to naše vina. Viníme sami sebe.
It's our fault. We blame ourselves.
Poslužte si (při nabídce občerstvení, vyjádřete slovesem)!
Help yourselves!
Podívala se na sebe v zrcadle.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Necháváte si koberce pravidelně čistit?
Do you have your carpets cleaned regularly?
Zjistil, že všechny jeho peníze byly ukradeny.
He found out that all his money had been stolen.
Correct or incorrect: Don't worry! You will be given a lot of time to decide.
Nemůžeme tam teď jít. Pokoj se právě uklízí (je uklízen).
We can't go there now. The room is being cleaned.
Minulý měsíc si nechala namalovat svůj portrét.
Last month she had her portrait painted.
Correct or incorrect: Are you going to the party? No, I haven't invited.
Incorrect: I haven't been invited.
Dopis by měl být poslán co nejdříve.
The letter should be sent as soon as possible.