Edit Game
High Five 5, Unit 7 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence: you / already / sell tickets / for the show?
Have you already sold tickets to the show?
What are they doing?
Selling tickets
What is she doing?
Making a cake
What is she doing?
Cleaning the furniture
Complete the sentence: I have not played tennis ______ today.
Conducir: ______, _____, _______
Drive, drove, driven
Make a question: you / already / draw / the picture
Have you already drawn the picture?
Make a question: you / already / go / football practice
Have you already gone to football practice?
Make a question: you / just / arrive/ at school
Have you just arrived at school?
What do we do with this?
send invitations
I'm not hungry because I've ______ eaten an apple before you arrived.
Have you read the story? Yes, I _______ read it 5 minutes ago.
Complete the sentence, using YET, ALREADY or JUST: I am really tired because.......
just finished playing football, haven't slept yet.........
HACER: do, ______, _______
Did, Done
Ver: _____, _____, ____
See, Saw, Seen
IR: ____, ______, _______
Go, Went, Gone
What is he doing?
Sweep the floor
What has happened?
He has broken his arm
What has happened?
She has bruised her arm
What has happened?
He has hurt his knee
What has happened?
He has twisted his ankle
What has happened?
He has burned his hand.
Make a question: you / have/ the exam / yet
Have you had the exam yet?
Make a question: you / already / go / shopping / today
Have you already gone shopping today?
Make a question: you / just / eat / an apple
Have you just eaten an apple?
Make a question: you / clean / kitchen / yet
Have you cleaned the kitchen yet?
Complete the sentence with yet, just, or already: I haven't played football ______ today.
Complete the sentence with yet, just, or already: I have ________ eaten breakfast.
already / just
What is she doing?
Going shopping / shopping for food
Dibujar: _______, _______, _______
draw drew drawn
What are they doing?
Serving food/ drinks, putting out the food
What are they doing?
Making a poster
What are they doing?
Decorating the room
What is he doing?
Blowing up balloons