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Uncle Jack

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Why are the tourists visting the forest?
Because they want to see the Sloth Sanctuary.
Why are the tourists visting the forest?
Because they want to see the Sloth Sanctuary.
Why did they jump up and down happily and hugged the sloths?
Because bad men left the forest.
Why did they jump into the boats and rowed away down the river?
Because they thought that the ball of sloths was a monster. / They were afraid of sl
What kind of ball is it?
a great big ball of sloths
Why was Slowly very happy in this picture?
Because there were lots of sloths at the Indian camp.
What did the Amazon Indians throw them?
They started to throw darts.
What's the matter with slowly?
She has got a dart in her bottom.
How many nephews and nieces has Uncle Jack got?
Three. Daisy , jim and May
What is the problem in the rainforest?
Some people from the city are cutting down the forest
What is Uncle Jack reading? Who is it from?
A letter from his daughter
This is a substance that keeps insects away
Insect repellent
What is uncle Jack's daughter's job?
a biologist.
Uncle Jack and the children went to the North Pole / Amazon rainforest to help Unckle jack's daughter / sister
Amazon rainforest / daughter
Who is Kaba?
the daughter of the Chief.
destroy the main part of a tree so that it falls on the ground
to cut down
This animal moves very slowly, has grey fur, and lives in trees
A sloth