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Dad orders a book from an online bookstore on the 10th of July. The book will be arrived on the next Thursday. When will it arrive?
16th of July
Eric joins a Mathematics competition on the 1st of August. That day is a ___. (Day of the week)
That day is a Saturday.
Ivy goes on a 3-day trip to Singapore. The last day of the trip is on the 8th of October. When was the first day of the trip?
6th of October
Eric attends guitar lesson every Monday and Friday. How many lessons does he attend in October?
9 lessons.
Which of the months have 30 days only?
April, June, September, November
Jerry goes on a 5-day trip to Japan. The trip starts on 10th of December. When is the last day of the trip?
14th of December
Anson goes to park every Friday. How many times does he go to the park in this month?
5 times. (3th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31th!)
29th of January is on a ______. (Day of the week)
29th of January is on a Saturday.
Dad starts working from home from the 22nd to 26th of February. How many days does he work from home?
5 days
When is the first Sunday of March?
5th of March
This year is a ( common / leap ) year.
This year is a leap year.
Lily’s birthday is on the 2nd Monday of February. When is her birthday?
14th of February